House Of The Wyrm

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Who is House Of the Wyrm (HOW)?

House Of The Wyrm (HOW) is a roleplay cult guild located in the Dunes of Arakis that sees The sandworms as their overlord which they have named "Arkthool" (Ahk-thool). HOW has prayers often praying to the worms and hoping for ascension after consumption. These prayers entail talking to their deceased, saying omens to the worm and thanking the worm for the blessing of consumption. They will often sacrifice the bodies of their victims by placing thumpers to draw the worm to consume their victims and will always run towards battle to draw the worm out. When they get old they will draw the worm to consume them as they see this as their only means to ascend. Everytime they see the worm consume they will usually be seen on their knees humming and worshipping their overlord. They strive to protect and worship the worm and those who please the worm are seen as successful members and are praised for their contribution. Members who have pleased the worm are often seen with tattoo markings and a special cloak.

What is our goal and belief?

HOW believes that the only way to ascend is through consumption of the worm however before being consumed they must prove themself otherwise it is a sacrifice as opposed to being chosen. We believe that The Sandworms of Arakis will take us and make us whole, we believe that the worms are gods who take people to the afterlife acting as a god of death. We believe the only way to ascend is to be consumed after proving ourselves worthy of the blessing the worm will give us.


TBD but some ranks will include Underlings, Acolytes, Prophets, Priests/Priestesses, warriors, champions, Patriach and Matriarch


My name is KJC Maximum Mori but in character I will be Patriarch Arkulis (Ar-cool-us), I have been part of roleplaying for a long time and I will have a council TBD that will assist me with the leading. In character I may also eventually get a Matriarch but for now that is nul. I have been in RedM rp's FiveM, Arma 3, arma reforger, DayZ and Black Desert

Guild Lore

House Of the Worm started when Patriarch Arkulis first met with the worm. It avoided killing him cause he was on a rock but he saw it as more of a sign as opposed to just luck there was a rock. He saw it as a sign that the worm was trying to communicate with him. He proceeded to get on his knees and praise the worm as it dove back into the sands and left. He began drawing and making multiple scribbles and over time became obsessed with the worm even giving it a name "Arkthuul". Over time Arkulis began finding others trying to spread his beliefs constantly trying to make sure everyone knew that The Sandworms were gods who would carry them to the afterlife. A cult was formed to worship and praise the worms and spread the belief making sacrifices and doing everything to prove themself to Arkthuul.

House Of The Wyrm
Guild Summary
Members4 currently
Focusroleplay, cult, Worshipper
RecruitmentBy Application
Play Style
Major HouseHarkonnen