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 h English (en)* There aren't strict classes, but players choose their mentor during character creation to give their starting abilities
* More abilities can be learned from different [[Ability Trainers|trainers]] throughout the world
* [[Sandworms]] cannot be killed or defeated, only avoided
* [[Thumper|Thumpers]] can be crafted and placed to distract sandworms
* Vehicles are craftable - [[Sandbike|Sandbikes]], [[Groundcar|Groundcars]] and [[Ornithopter|Ornithopters]]
* There is a [[Journey System|Journey system]] of larger, over arching story missions
* There are [[Contracts|contracts]], of more straightforward, isolated missions
* There is a grouping system where players can play together to do Journies, Contracts and fight together (and revive each other in combat)
* [ The Baron Harkonnen] is a good looking man.
* There is a [ War of Assassins] ongoing, players can ally themselves within factions ([[Atreides]], [[Harkonnen]] etc) and do missions to advance and level up through the ranks
* The [[Landsraad]] demand the players do certain things, which the Factions will have to work against each other to achieve the objectives
* Players can choose to opt out of the Landsraad and play the game in any way they want - even just being an isolated rock farmer
* [[Closed Beta|Closed Beta tests]] have been ongoing for several months, are getting larger over time
* [[The Shifting Sands]] is a full PvP area where weekly [[Coriolis Storm|Coriolis Storms]] come and totally change up the landscape
* Players can create [[Blueprints]] of buildings, to create holograms that their guild/group can help build
* Blueprints can be traded, creating a market for buildings