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Revision as of 21:03, 15 March 2024 by Gizhar (talk | contribs) (Added image and fixed typo)
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Sandworms, also known as the Shai-Hulud by the Fremen, are enormous worms, living in the sands of Arrakis. Feeding on sand plankton and only emerging to protect their territory, being guided by the vibrations caused by their future victims. They can also grow to extreme lengths in the hundreds of meters. Worm's life cycle is vital for the creation of spice.[1]

Sandworms of the Deep Desert

Sandworms in Game

Sandworms will be a big part of Dune: Awakening, and will present a big obstacle for moving between different biomes through the Deep desert. Players will need to tread carefully not to disturb them, as that would mean almost certain death in the wrong circumstances.[2] [3] Sandworms will be represented in two ways: "Small" worms, in areas with more shallow sands, resembling those of Lynch's Dune and "Big" worms, in more open desert, taking visuals from Villeneuve's movies. [4][5]


Worm riding requires maker hooks to control a worm and keep him on the surface. Its a hard and perilous task, which many do not survive. Worm riding wont be in dune awakening at launch, but might be coming later. [1] [6]

