Servitors of Ix

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Revision as of 16:43, 27 March 2024 by Vidar Ravenii (talk | contribs)
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The Ixian Spacing Guild or ISG is a newly sanctioned planetary branch of the Spacing Guild. While the parent Spacing Guild operates the glorious highliners through space,

its child, the ISG operates a variety of planetary vehicles, from ornithopters to land rovers. The first planet the Ixian Spacing will establish its presence

Emblem of the Ixian Spacing Guild
Emblem of the Ixian Spacing Guild
Guild Summary
Founded 3/8/2024
Members 12
Focus Transportation, Security, Rescue, Delivery, Escort, Trade, Various Others
Recruiting Open
Platform PC (Console if cross play is allowed)
Language English
Timezones Global
Play Style
RP Highly Encouraged
Major House or Faction Spacing Guild

on is the sacred spice world of Arrakis, in order to service all those that inhabit or call the planet home.

Guild Lore

"Arrakis is a test, a test we will help you pass."

-Ixian Spacing Guild Advertisement

The ISG was recently established as a planetary transportation and security branch of the Spacing Guild. The Spacing Guild Board declared that Vidar of House Ravenii would take on the mantle of creator and Director of the ISG as of March 18, 2024. Director Ravenii has set out to gather recruit in order to maintain a staff of all backgrounds and experiences. This will ensure the Guild is able to provide the best services possible.

The Guild asks that its members are proficient in both arms and navigation. The two main branches of the guild, the Security arm and Navigator's branch are responsible for a vast majority of the Guild's operations on the sacred spice planet. Each is outfitted

for their respective missions and trained to combat almost any threat they come across. It is the Guild's ultimate goal to serve all those calling Arrakis or Dune...home. Only Together can humanity overcome the dangers Arrakis poses.



It is IMPERATIVE all Houses, organizations, factions, and wanderers understand that the ISG, as a planetary branch of the Spacing Guild is not loyal to any particular House, organization, faction, or sole individual, but rather to humanity as a whole. Regardless of status, beliefs, etc. the ISG will publicly remain neutral in all conflicts, catering strictly to the needs of our clients.

Collection and Storage of Resources

Members of the Guild are encouraged to donate resources collected to the Guild in order to create and contribute to a massive stockpile of resources for member use in any project. These are managed by the Guild Support Personnel and distributions are authorized and carried out via a Support Officer. Members of the Guild are directed to keep their own private stock of resources for their own personal ventures. Again, donation to the Guild is encouraged for the benefit of all members.


Contracts are agreements set between a Guild representative (i.e.: an Officer, Emissary, or higher ranking official) and a client. The Guild will set a standard price for a service, and the client will agree or offer something of similar or equal value. If a Guild member is tipped for their services, regardless of the amount or item, it is encouraged that the member receiving the tip, share with their team. (If member is alone, it is encouraged they keep 80% of the tip and donate the rest to the Guild. Successful completion of a contract should be recorded for member progression within the Guild. This may be recorded through either the "Client Contract Survey" or the "Guild Contract Report tabs, which will be implemented at a later date. Bonuses or rewards will be presented to members who routinely complete contracts in a satisfactory manner.

Ranks and Roles


Listed below are the ranks and roles of the ISG. Each plays an important part in our Guild and for our clients. This guide will provide a short description detailing the rank or roles duty and function.

Guild Director -- The Guild Director is the Spacing Guild's appointed overseer of all functions within the Ixian Spacing Guild. They are the head of the Guild Board and have the final say on all decisions within the ISG. This role has only one seat which can only be altered by the Spacing Guild.

Guild Board Member -- A Guild Board Member is a high ranking official within the ISG. They are tasked with overseeing the day-to-day activities, events, and dealings within the N.G. They meet in council with the Guild Director and the Guild Speaker to set in place new rules, guidelines, changes, and improvements. Board Members have the authority to manage members of the Guild and promote recommended members to Officers. They also hold open forums for members of all ranks to voice their concerns or recommendations.

Guild Speaker -- The Guild Speaker's duty is to ensure details and decisions from the Director and Board are passed down throughout the Guild. They are the link between the Board and all Guild members.

Guild Officer -- A Guild Officer is a member of the Guild that has demonstrated the desire to lead and organize tasks, events, and meetings from within and without. Officers may negotiate with potential and current clients and secure transactions between the client and Guild. Guild Officers are respectable members from both the Navigator branch and the Security arm. Officers work closely with Navigator's and Security forces, often deploying on missions and contracts together. They work together to ensure cooperation and excellent performance between Security and the Navigators.

Guild Aspirant -- A member of either the Guild Navigator's or the Guild Security working on becoming a Guild Officer. The duty of this role will be to assist Guild Officers in operations and day to day tasks. They demonstrate elements of teamwork, respect, and loyalty to the Guild. When deemed ready to lead, an Officer must send up their recommendation. If deemed worthy, Aspirant's may be presented a position in the Officer ranks by the Board.

Guild Members

Guild Security -- The members in this role are responsible for protecting Guild assets and personnel. Trained for battle and skilled in a variety of weaponry, they are crucial to any venture on Arrakis. Whether they are escorting a client through the sands, providing air cover over a gathering party, or completing a contract, they are a force to be reckoned with. These members are under direct supervision and orders from their Guild Officers. They fight for the profit, glory, and betterment of the Ixian Spacing Guild.

Guild Navigator -- The members of this role are responsible for guiding clients and Guild members across the harsh environments of Arrakis. Through flight, ground, or on foot, they will guide our clients to their destination and avoid the many hazards of the sands. These members are paramount to our success and represent our entire purpose.

Guild Emissary -- These members are responsible for spreading awareness of the ISG. Arrakis is a test of survival. The harsh environments can take a toll on any individual or House. Emissaries communicate with Houses, organizations, and other prospects to arrange for travel and security options. They are the diplomatic arms in which we welcome all who need us.

Guild Support Personnel -- The members of this profession are builders, collectors, miners, scavengers, and harvesters. Their duty is to provide materials, construct buildings and equipment, gather resources, and maintain supplies of the Guild. These members seek to build and construct to their hearts content, all in service to the Guild and its members. Without the Support Personnel, the Guild would have no infrastructure in which it can rise.

Guild Initiate -- Every Guild member starts somewhere. This member is assigned tasks by officers, aides in collection of resources, assisting both Security and Navigation teams, and carrying out whatever assignments are passed down to them. Through their development, they will determine which specialty they wish to pursue.

Guild Client -- Not necessarily members of the Guild, but those in which the Guild services. Through our Guild Request channel, they are able to send out calls for assistance, provided they are able to pay the Guild's due. Clients are essential to the Guild and servicing them is our sole directive...well, that, AND profit!