Spice Girls

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Spice Girls
Guild Summary
PlatformPC, PlayStation, XBox
TimezonesPDT / MDT / CDT / EDT
Play Style

In the vast and merciless deserts of Arrakis, where the sands hold the secrets of ancient civilizations and the spice melange flows like liquid gold, there exists a guild shrouded in mystery and legend—the Spice Girls. Led by the formidable matriarch, Alongar, these Fremen warriors are both feared and revered throughout the Dune universe, their origins lost in the sands of time, their influence extending far beyond the shifting dunes.

The saga of the Spice Girls traces back to the dawn of Arrakis, when the first whispers of the spice echoed through the desert winds. Born of the harsh environment, the ancestors of the Spice Girls were nomadic tribes, wandering the unforgiving landscape in search of sustenance and survival. But their fate took a dramatic turn when they stumbled upon the hidden reservoirs of spice buried deep beneath the sands. It was Alongar, a visionary leader among her people, who recognized the potential of the spice and the power it held. With her guidance, the Spice Girls rose from humble beginnings to become the guardians of Arrakis' most precious resource. They mastered the art of spice harvesting, developing techniques passed down through generations to extract the spice without attracting the attention of the fearsome sandworms that roamed the desert. But the Spice Girls' mastery extended beyond mere survival—they became skilled warriors, their combat prowess unmatched by any other Fremen tribe. Under Alongar's leadership, they forged a fearsome reputation, defending their territory with ruthless efficiency and striking fear into the hearts of their enemies.

Yet, the Spice Girls were not content to simply defend their land—they sought to shape the destiny of Arrakis itself. Through cunning diplomacy and strategic alliances, they maneuvered through the complex political landscape of the desert, forging bonds with other Fremen tribes and securing their place as a dominant force on the planet. As their influence grew, so too did the legend of the Spice Girls. Whispers spread across Arrakis of their supernatural abilities, rumors of prophetic visions granted by the spice and feats of strength that defied explanation. Some believed them to be blessed by the desert gods, while others feared them as harbingers of doom. But amidst the whispers and legends, one thing remained certain—the Spice Girls were a force to be reckoned with, their presence looming large over the sands of Arrakis and their legacy woven into the very fabric of the desert itself. As long as the spice flowed through the veins of the planet, the Spice Girls would endure, their story destined to be etched into the annals of history for all time.

As the years passed, the Spice Girls' influence continued to grow, their power extending beyond the borders of Arrakis to shape the fate of the entire Dune universe. They became sought-after allies and feared adversaries, their reputation preceding them wherever they went. But with power comes conflict, and the Spice Girls soon found themselves embroiled in a struggle for control of the spice that threatened to tear Arrakis apart. Rival factions vied for supremacy, each seeking to harness the spice's power for their own gain. In the midst of this chaos, Alongar and the Spice Girls stood as a beacon of strength and resilience, their unwavering determination and fierce loyalty to each other guiding them through even the darkest of times. Together, they weathered storms of betrayal and treachery, emerging stronger and more united than ever before. But their greatest challenge lay ahead, as a shadowy threat emerged from the depths of the desert, threatening to consume Arrakis and all who dwelled upon it. It would take all of the Spice Girls' skill and courage to face this new danger, but they were ready, their spirits as unyielding as the sands themselves.

And so, the legend of the Spice Girls endures, a testament to the power of the human spirit and the enduring strength of those who dare to defy the odds. As long as the spice flows through the veins of Arrakis, the Spice Girls will stand as its guardians, their legacy destined to endure for all eternity.

Spice Girls are part of the Exodus gaming community.

Purpose / Ethos

Spice Girls are a sietch of Fremen who serve to protect the freedom of Arrakis and its SPICE!

Recruitment Process

Spice Girls are currently recruiting. If you are are interested in joining, join our Discord. Then, scroll down the channel list to the Help Desk and create a ticket stating that you are interested in joining Spice Girls for Dune: Awakening. You can also contact one of the admins of the Discord server. Alternatively, you can contact us here.


In-game hierarchy:

  • Guild Leader
  • Vice Guild Leader
  • Officer
  • Member

Discord hierarchy:

  • Admin
  • Moderator
  • Officer
  • Member
  • Friend
  • Visitor


Carmpocalypse (a/k/a Alongar), Ragh and Rasukai are the founders and top leadership of Spice Girls. Other Spice Girls leadership roles are fulfilled by Exodus officers.

Guild Lore

In the harsh deserts of Arrakis, the Spice Girls emerged as a clandestine guild of Fremen warriors, led by the enigmatic Alongar. Originating from a nomadic tribe, they discovered the power of the spice melange and transformed into formidable guardians of its secrets. Masters of survival and diplomacy, they navigate the treacherous sands, protecting their territory and forging alliances with other Fremen tribes. Despite their mysterious nature, their influence in the Dune universe is vast, their reputation as skilled warriors and shrewd strategists preceding them wherever they tread.

Known Allegiances or Rivalries

We pledge our allegiance to any House Atreides affiliates and other Fremen. Our rivalries are anyone who disrupts the freedom on Arrakis.

Other Activities

Spice Girls are part of a conglomerate of gamers that are affiliated with Exodus.