Serpents of Arrakis

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Serpents of Arrakis
Guild Summary
FocusPrivateering and mercenary work
Play Style
Major HouseNo Affiliation

The Serpents of Arrakis

Purpose / Ethos

What does the guild seek to accomplish? Whatever the council decides

Recruitment Process

Is the guild currently recruiting? Yes. What method is best to get in contact with them? Through the Discord that is linked. Is there an application process or selection criteria? the only criteria is 18+ and good soundness of mind.


How is the guild membership structured? The guild is composed of a council of which all members receive a seat upon and all members are given equal power within. A guild president is elected by the majority vote of the council at each council hearing to bring forth the discussion topic to be addressed. Are there multiple tiers of management/officers, or is it a band of merry mercenaries? There are no tiers in the structure, everyone has equal footing within the Serpents of Arrakis, though only the founder has managerial powers to maintain the backend of the guild.


Who is in charge of the guild? The majority vote of the Council

Guild Lore

The Serpents of Arrakis was first founded as a group with no common heritage or allegiance. Many are castaways and vagabonds from the many houses that populate the universe, and have joined the SoA as a means to support one another as they carve a path within the channels of history

Known Allegiances or Rivalries

No Allegiance to any other guild or house at this time.