House brawn
House Brawn is now recruiting for | Wars | Territories | Dungeons | Crafters | Comp | Casual |
Taking pride in our 15 years of MMO gaming, House Brawn is the newest (7th) clan of "Civil Riot".
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Guild Summary | |
Established | 2007 |
Members | 75+ |
Focus | Grinding, Gearing, Winning, Have Fun! |
Membership | |
Recruitment | Invite Only |
Platform | All Platforms |
Language | English |
Timezones | North/South America |
Play Style | |
PVE | Yes |
PVP | Yes |
RP | Yes |
Major House | Harkonnen |
Links | |
Discord | |
-PVP focused but heavily encourage PvE prominent members
-Adult clan leadership w/ 15+ Years of drama free MMO experiences (4 active clans)
-Well vetted new member process
-A great way to get what you need crafted
-Grow a community of 75+ members on launch (Primarily further recruit in game)
-A large and diverse group of players with many different gaming interests
-A say in the direction of the House and its events
-PvP, PvE, weekly RP, House Events and persistent end game content
-Answers to your MMO questions
Gameplay Focus
We take our gameplay very seriously in enhancing gaming experiences for all members.
House Brawn recognizes that Dune is going to be a very material heavy game with heavy advantages to end-game group play. To this point House Brawn is a PvP based clan. With that being said the PvP aspect (skill in PvP) is only one dominant part of the longevity of our House.
In order for the PvP players to get gear, we need more PvE players grinding dungeons, gear, and stat rolls. We also need members of House Brawn that are insistent on the crafting element of the game; once the dungeons are all grinded out, schematics found, it will be up those dedicated to hours of crafting content that our PvP players will rely on. There is no such thing as a true "PvP clan". We will dominate the Dune Sea, but it is up to everybody to get there. The main purpose of group gameplay is for us to enhance your overall experience so please let us know whatever it is that we can do to accomplish that.
To run a successful House is to understand it as a family, a unit, and that we will use all what those have to offer. We will never need for any one skill.
Membership & Recruitment
House Brawn is open to all wanting a great time in MMOs.
We believe in encouraging everyone from competitive players to dungeon crawlers to enlist. We offer end game content for all. To join, simply reach out to us via Discord information on the right.
Our recruitment is simple; Join Discord, ask for help if you need it, be kickass.
Leadership and Structure
At the heart of all of "Civil" clans, and now, House Brawn, are the core leaders in skill, participation and dedication. It is because of those with certain skill that we can all freely participate to the fullest content, and it is with those dedicated to the game and their crafts, that make mass participation possible. Here are the open positions for House Brawn in Dune Awakening:
Duke Liege: SnakierCord of House Brawn, Ruler of Planet Romo, Governor of Cutlass Keys, Fleet Commander, Leader of the Ways, Huge Freakin' Nerd
The Duke Liege will be the shining light shifting our direction in trade, recruitment and preparations for war. Member highlights, issues or complaints channel directly through The Liege or The Vanguard.
Commanders: Curssy
Simply put these 5 members are your proven and tested shot-callers as the Commanders know what's going at all times and can control their battalions. They are also leaders in organized PvP training and overall team cohesion. These leaders are absolute naturals.
The Vanguard: Not Your Buddy Guy, Gal, chinnpoo, fujicakes, Trixie LB, nathanAjacobs, Scrippa
The 10 Vanguard on Arrakis are responsible for clan security and well-being. This dedicated group of individuals are selected by the Familia to oversee daily functions in organization, preparation and execution of House activities as well as assist with relaying any internal/external issues. These members quite often have roughly a decade of competitive MMO experience and are equally impressive as they are just awesome, easy-going people.
The Elites remain as the primary fighting class of House Brawn. Proven in their dedication to be the best they can be in planning, crafting or fighting, The Elites are the bloodline to the clan's success.
Roughnecks aka "Spice Slurpers"
Acknowledged to be a part of the clan, but not much more than bullet fodder yet. Join chat, group up, ask for help, get to know what you're missing. You'll get there sooner than you think!
Let me reiterate that we don't need you to be the best player around, we have that covered, we just need you to always be learning, getting better and participating in clan events and areas you enjoy.
Guild History
House Brawn has been competitive through MMO IPs for over 15 years.
In 2010, we started as a clan in "Star Wars the Old Republic" simultaneous with "World of Warcraft". While the Warcraft clan remained fewer than a tight 50-member count, while in Star Wars peak member count was well over +250 active daily members for roughly 7 years. It was in SWTOR that we became a competitive clan, existing primarily on three domains while conquering multiple ships, territories and worlds.
In the Winter of 2014, we created a new clan to conquer the online racket in "Destiny". "GameBattles, MLG" were primary focus of competition as we were able to man close to 70 members to maintain competitive teams. While Destiny was a major success, aside from Raids and Matchmaking, Destiny 2 offered very little competitive incentive.
Jumping around on MMOs like "Final Fantasy" and "Elder Scrolls Online" were fun, but we found our next major success in "New World" in 2021. We benefitted from having a prominent run spanning a server capped conquest over 2 years of peak PvP while maintaining numerous territories and roughly 200 capped members. Shortly after many of us launched into D4 with a capped 100-person clan through Seasons 1+2.
In 2025, House Brawn will be spawning from the musky ruins of our slumber to once again to pillage and destroy those who stand in our way on Dune. The territories within the Dune Sea lay within our grasp, let us loot the spoils.
House Brawn History (Lore)
It was after the Second Interspace Migrations had concluded (11000BG) did Romo find it's people and it's spirit. Multitudes of cities containing large infrastructure, innovative commerce and plenty of farming allowed the planet to boom peacefully over the course of seven thousand years. When the Titans came to conquer the Old Empire, House Joval who had ruled Romo with a green thumb for millenniums, had come to an internal impasse as to how to proceed with the new (Titan) Empire. Attica, the ruler of House Joval and Duke to Romo, ultimately decided to give in to Titan control. Only a half cycle went by before Attica and the royal family were assassinated while attempting to flee the planet. The power vacuum that would proceed would lead to the planet's first major conflict in over 5000 years, also known as "The War of the Triarchy". (1279BG)
Of the remaining three dominant houses: Brawn, Undell and Zumu, it was Boreas II of House Brawn who ultimately formed an elite group of advanced soldiers equipped with the best off-world technology money could buy. It was with this new unit, "The Vanguard", matched with the Brawn Air & Ground Command that led to the ultimate destruction of House Undell and capture of all the farming lands. Not soon after Undell's collapse, House Zumu gave in to all demands, surrendering their nobles and high priests. Defeated and starving, the remaining members of House Zumu were exiled off planet for all of time. The war was over in 28 days. Boreas II's first order of decree was to infiltrate the Titan network and attempt to remove all records and traces of Planet Romo and its history.
Recognizing the potential in its military prowess, newly self-appointed "King Boreas II" began a dynasty of off planet mining that would further bolster House Brawn's technology and numbers for the next two-thousand years. These planetary crusades happened often and without the Titan's knowledge. House Brawn rejoined the Empire once the Titans, Ominous and the Xerxes "cybernetic" Empire fell in 1183BG. Eventually in 28BG, King Abello of House Brawn would first present Romo's full military power to the Empire at the birthing ceremony of Griffin Harkonnen, renouncing his title as "King" into Duke Abello Brawn.
Now, for 10 over thousand years has House Brawn ruled over Romo. They have operated in the harshest of conditions on dozens of planets at the Empire's order and now, Emperor Shaddam has set forth a decree that House Brawn is to begin its contestation of the spice production on the Planet Arrakis alongside the Sardaukar beginning next year.
Planet Romo (Home Lore)
Planet Romo's discovery came about roughly the same time as most of the Empire's findings at the beginning of space travel around 12000BG. The planet's exact discovery within the Timeline of Universal History is still unknown. It is with thousands of years of scientific and archeological studies do we conclude the planet to be likely uninhabited of conscience life until humans arrived between 11000BG and 10100BG. The planet was initially scanned and surveyed for its rich metal materials, but it was only several years into the original colony's expansion did they find these rich veins to be too close to the planet's poles to excavate. Agriculture became the primary source of the planet's economy as the population expanded.
Romo is large planet (about the size the Saturn) with a massive core that prevents populations from even traveling near the poles. It is this constant level of kinetic energy that also guarantees the planet's fertility. Between its dense cities, Romo's population benefits from a galactic array of natural farming options which makes up the majority of the planet's economy. Romo's mountain ranges near its equator are small, young and barren. The ranges that exceed the safety zone, mostly to the South, are equally as young but much larger as they are constantly affected by the shifting magnetic plates; Nobody has ever attempted to mine these southern ranges. The 4 oceans make up roughly 60% of the planet, cutting the land into three unique regions. Like the land, the oceans are rough and barren of any large ecology. The populations enjoy long warm Summers and short, blistering cold Winters.
The environment around the equator is conductive to the plethora of imported animals, fresh-water life and fascia. All the animals outside the Safety Zone that don’t naturally flock to the powered indoor facilities die during the Winters. For the last 10,000 years animals have failed to evolve and survive independently mostly due to Romo's harsh Winters. It's the Winters that allow for the market to exist the way it does, allowing rich proteins to be expensive year-round against good like grain and cloth. The traditional chasms of economic separation naturally existed in all the trade cities on all continents of Romo.
Due to its deep-rooted reliance on agriculture, some of the more booming industries on Romo will always be pharmaceuticals and enhancements. Over 1/3 of Romo's farmlands are designed and dedicated with the ability to grow mass quantities of medicinal crops. Farm technicians are fully educated in the farm to table process of growing herbs and developing them into ointments, medicinal drugs and steroids. The humans on Romo have naturally evolved over a great span of time due to consistent use of these methods. The woman's bone structure grew to that average of a man's in order to healthily give birth to larger babies. The average size of a newborn today is roughly 16 pounds 8 ounces, if that's any indicator to the average size of a fully aged person. The elderly live roughly 15-20 years longer due to strong medicine and abundant food which has boosted education and research over generations. It is with our knowledge and military power to not only harvest spice, but to refine it beyond anything though possible. House Brawn will move into Arrakis to uncover the emperor's spice, but we will not stop there....
Without getting too into the specifics of each trait, the traditional class system of Romo was as follows: Familia House Brawn and its military leaders, Empirical ambassadors and politicians, mechanics/smiths/weapon crafters, farm technicians, breeders/meat farmers, farmers/traders, trinket merchants. While it is uncertain how the standing army of House Brawn is compensated, it is quite understood that the family of said member receives full compensation either regularly or upon death.
Alliances & Rivalries
Allies: N/A Rivals: N/A
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