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Vehicle Basics
AddedUpdate XX - Pre-Alpha
SizeFrom Medium to Big

Ornithopters (also known as "ornis" or "'thopers") are an iconic flying vehicle of the Dune universe, and will make an appearance in Dune:Awakening. [1] [2] [3] [4] They feature a slim fuselage with large, folding wings that deploy to each side and "flap" up and down (instead of a rotary motion like a helicopter) to generate lift in the same manner as a bird or dragonfly. They also feature rocket boosters to generate bursts of forward thrust, for instance to escape a storm or gain altitude quickly.

Ornithopters in game

Ornithpoters are versatile and can be used for transport, exploring, fighting and larger ones are even classified as carryalls, and are capable of carrying heavy loads of cargo and smaller harvesters. [2] [5] Controlling an Ornithopter is said to be arcade-like and not extremely complicated. [6]

The current available armoury of weapons is unknown, but (potentially guided or heat-seeking) missiles have been confirmed. [2]

