Sandwalking Community Podcast

The Sandwalking Community Podcast is a series of video podcasts hosted by Maegan, aka DeadWoman Walking Gaming (DWW), a long-time Funcom partnered streamer.
Episode 1
The first episode aired on 2025-01-30 16:00 UTC, featuring Stephen, aka FlamingMojo, as guest co-host. The hosts viewed recently released footage from a press and creator recording session at the Funcom office, and with written approval were able to disclose they were both veteran Closed Beta testers, with a collective 2500 hours playtime in the tests. The podcast talked about:
DWW and Mojo reveal they're in the beta, playing 900 and 1600 hours respectively. Ground rules - what they can and cannot talk about
Can talk about:
- Anything shown in the videos
- The current state of the game
- That we are in the beta and how long we've played
Cannot talk about:
- Specifics of our personal beta experience/NDA
- Anything about previous beta tests/timelines
- Story spoilers or anything past what is shown in the videos
Plus a reminder this is all still beta. Things can and will change and a reminder not to message anyone in the test, everyone is still under NDA.
Worm Video
- How Sandworm threat works (multi-stage aggro, anti-exploit mechanic)
- How Thumpers work (crafted, not too expensive)
Eco Lab Video
- Explaining Testing Station #002, in HB south starting area
- Coloured ID bands and penta shield barriers as key-and-lock mechanism.
- Combat using Mentat skills shown (shield barrier, poison gas capsule, turret, Exploit Weakness technique)
- Loot rooms - loot container types, water taps available
- Recordings telling the story of this testing station, progressing, Ixian shipment, scavengers etc
- The secret room shown, how well the art direction ties in with movies. Sandtrout in floor!
- Emotes (going round the wheel, how they work and are useful)
- The Boss fight - shield combat, poison attacks, DBNO
- The loot - schematics, uniques, old imperial, great house, fremen
- ID band to exit looping back to start in one-way QoL
- Resources in the world (ores, fuel cells, plant fiber, wrecked thopter)
- Explaining the Wreck of the Alcyon, environmental storytelling
- Cuttable doors to loot rooms or open required path
- Normally PvP but this one is not as starting zone, so no end boss
- Explosive barrels!
Episode 2

The second episode aired on 2025-02-21 19:00 UTC, featuring Funcom Community Manager Iggy as a guest host! The Podcast talked about:
DWW and Mojo gave a refresher about their participation in the beta, and the same NDA rules about what they can and cannot discuss. Also, Funcom Community Manager Iggy was introduced as a guest host!
Trial of Aql Video
The hosts discussed a video showing the first Trial of Aql:
- How this is early in the game, in Hagga Basin South
- The visual storytelling of the Fremen architecture and hidden cavern
- The ambiance, sound and music changing based
- A general PSA on the dangers of faceplanting in a bowl of drugs at an abandoned cave altar
- Spice Visions and the role of Spice in Dune
- How the devs have brought the universe of the books to life through the Fremen's Journey
- The game being accessible to lore-agnostic survival gamers while giving hardcore Dune fans plenty to dive into
Fanart Submissions
(Place for a Gallery of the submitted fanart, pending artists permission)
Beauty of Arrakis Video
The hosts watched Beauty of Arrakis and discussed
- How beautiful the game is.
- Sand and Rocks being confirmed in game
- Difficulties during development, as it started before either of Denis Villeneuve's movies were in the works
- The public getting spoiled by Hans Zimmer's mastery in music and setting the bar really high for the game's soundtrack - but slowing coming around to it
- Scandalous, baseless accusations against FlamingMojo alledging that he harmed the adorable desert mice.
Episode 3
The third episode has yet to be announced, stay tuned! The podcast with stream live on Maegan's Youtube and Twitch channels, and VOD will be uploaded after.