Character Creation

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Character Expression is a core part of Dune: Awakening. When the game release date was announced on 2025-02-20, a standalone Character Creator and Benchmarking game client was launched, for players to create their own characters ahead of the full release of the game and import them into the game. Players who use the Character Creator and Benchmark Mode receive a free key to unlock The Frameblade, a custom knife skin, at the game launch.

Creating your Character

Body Customization & Preset Selection

When starting the process of character creation, you will start off with customizing the appearance of your character. For this you are presented with loads of options, but also a few presets.[1]. The presets determine your characters general body type, which are then customised via the menu.

The customization categories and their options are:

Attribute Options
Height (1 - 9)
Arm Thickness (1 - 9)
Leg Thickness (1 - 9)
Neck Length (1 - 9)
Chest Size (1 - 9)
Skintone (17 Tone Pallet)
Vitiligo (pattern) (1-9)
Vitiligo Strength (1-9)
Freckles Density (1-9)
Voice (6 voice tones)
Attribute Options
Face Type (9 face types)
Age (1-9)
Head Details
Head Details
Jaw Width (1-9)
Jaw Height (1-9)
Jaw Depth (1-9)
Chin Width (1-9)
Chin Length (1-9)
Cheek Fullness (1-9)
Cheekbone Height (1-9)
Cheekbone Depth (1-9)
Eye Color (20 Eye Colours)
Sclera Tint (1-9)
Eye Details
Eye Details
Iris Size (1-9)
Pupil Size (1-9)
Eye Size (1-9)
Eye Squint (1-9)
Eye Angle (1-9)
Eye Height (1-9)
Eye Width (1-9)
Eye Depth (1-9)
Nose Details
Nose Details
Nose Size (1-9)
Nose Tip Size (1-9)
Nose Protrusion (1-9)
Nose Angle (1-9)
Nose Height (1-9)
Nose Bridge Height (1-9)
Nose Bridge Width (1-9)
Nostril Height (1-9)
Nostril Width (1-9)
Mouth Details
Mouth Details
Mouth Size (1-9)
Mouth Angle (1-9)
Mouth Height (1-9)
Mouth Width (1-9)
Mouth Depth (1-9)
Skin Blemishes (1-9)
Skin Redness (1-9)
Skin Dark Circles (1-9)
Attribute Options
Hair Style (35 hair styles)
Hair Color (45 hair colors)
Eyebrow Style (12 eyebrow styles)
Eyebrow Color (45 eyebrow colors)
Eyebrow Details:
Eyebrow Details
Angle (1-9)
Height (1-9)
Depth (1-9)
Beard Style (22 beard styles)
Beard Color (45 beard colors)
Tattoos and Scars
Attribute Options
Face Tattoo Style (17 face tattoos)
Body Tattoo Style (6 body tattoos)
Tatoo Age (1-9)
Head Scar Style (7 head scars)
Head Scar Depth (1-9)
Attribute Options
Eye Makeup Style (18 eye makeup styles)
Eyeshadow Color (14 eye shadow colors)
Eyeshadow Strength (1-9)
Eyeliner Color (7 eyeliner colors)
Eyeliner Strength (1-9)
Lipstick Style (17 lipstick styles)
Lipstick Color (25 lipstick colors)
Lipstick Strength (1-9)
Lip Gloss (1-9)
Lipstick Metallic (1-5)

Gallery of the Options

After finishing the appearance of your character, you will choose their name and move on to the game world.

Reverend Mother - Background

A screenshot showing the mentor selection in the Character Creator.

In a conversation with a Reverend Mother you pick out your backstory [1], which will later on influence dialogues [2] through dialogue traits or unlock certain emotes.

Origin Planet

Planet Description Dialogue Trait Unique Emote
Giedi Prime A heavily industrialized, volcanic

world, the Baronial Seat of House Harkonnen is controlled by a network of dense urban enclaves.

Deception Harkonnen Curse
Chusuk A rich and verdant agri-world of

rolling hills and river-fed valleys, the 'music planet' is the center of culture and civility in the Imperium.

Cultured Chusuk Music
Caladan A temperate but storm-wracked

oceanic world, the ancestral home of House Atreides is known for its relaxed agrarian lifestyle and famous vineyards.

Honorable Atreides Salute
Kaitain A green and pleasant world with

satellite-controlled weather. The fates of many are decided within the ornate halls of the Imperial planet.

Political Kaitain Bow
Ix A green and pleasant world with

satellite-controlled weather. The fates of many are decided within the ornate halls of the Imperial planet.

Technologist Ixian Secret


Caste Description Dialogue Trait
Bondsmen The educated caste that serves the

Great Houses and administers Imperial bureaucracy. Bondsmen are known casually as the 'citizen class.'

Na-Familia A caste reserved for essential

members of a noble household or retinue. Na-Familia are afforded certain privileges and protections by their status.

Pyon The vast peasant labor force that

drives the Imperial engine. Pyons are bound to the fief in which they live and are considered the property of their Lord.



Characters choose their starting mentor. This unlocks their initial Skill Tree, but all skills can be unlocked in the game over time.

Archetype Description Training Starting Ability
Swordmaster Revered throughout the Imperium,

Swordmasters of the fallen Ginaz School still represent the pinnacle of fighting prowess in the Known Universe.

Close-Quarters Aggression Deflection

Enter a defensive stance to deflect dart attacks.

Bene Gesserit A shadowy all-female order with a

deliberately obscure agenda. Adepts of the Sisterhood are prized by the nobility and feared by the rest of the Imperium.

Physical Mastery & Manipulation Voice: Compel

Use The Voice to force someone towards your position from afar.

Mentat A secretive and insular organization,

the Order of Mentats conditions their adherents to store and analyze vast amounts of data at superhuman speeds.

Recon & Strategy The Sentinel

Deploy a suspensor buoyed dart projector that uses motion detection to cover a field of fire.

Trooper Every Great House of the Landsraad

fields its own standing army or House Guard, and the backbone of these formations are career soldiers known as troopers.

Offense & Demolition Shigawire Cable

Shoot a barb that attaches to a surface, launching you towards that position.

After this an intro cinematic will play, sending you off on your journey[1]
